Wednesday 29 May 2024

Byteman 4.0.23 has been released


Byteman 4.0.23 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK23.

Byteman 4.0.23 is primarily a maintenance release which enables Byteman to be used with JDK23 releases. It also contains  two bug fixes and a feature enhancement. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Byteman 4.0.22 has been released

Byteman 4.0.22 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK22.

Byteman 4.0.22 is a maintenance release which enables Byteman to be used with JDK22 releases. It also contains  few small bug fixes and a feature enhancement. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Friday 14 April 2023

Byteman 4.0.21 has been released


Byteman 4.0.21 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK21.

Byteman 4.0.21 is a maintenance release which enables Byteman to be used with JDK21 releases. It also contains one  small bug fixes and a feature enhancement. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Byteman 4.0.20 has been released


Byteman 4.0.20 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK20.

Byteman 4.0.20 is a maintenance release which enables Byteman to be used with JDK20 releases. It also contains two small bug fixes. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Byteman 4.0.19 has been released


Byteman 4.0.19 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK19.

Byteman 4.0.19 is a maintenance release which enables Byteman to be used with JDK19 releases. It also contains two small performance and documentation enhancements. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Byteman 4.0.18 has been released


Byteman 4.0.18 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK18.

Byteman 4.0.18 is a maintenance release which provides one enhancement, enabling the choice of TARGET vs TRIGGER semantics when rules inject down class or interface hierarchies. For rules of this type it is possible that the TARGET class/interface for the rule, the one named in the CLASS clause, may differ from the TRIGGER class, the subclass or interface implementation into which the rule actually gets injected. An AS TARGET clause in the rule body requests that the rule is typed lexically using TARGET class as the type for $this/$0. An AS TRIGGER clause means it is typed dynamically using the TRIGGER class as the type for $this/$0. Note that up to now Byteman has always used TRIGGER semantics and will continue to use this as the default. More details are provided in the Release Notes and the latest Byteman Programmers Guide.

Friday 3 September 2021

Byteman 4.0.17 has been released

Byteman 4.0.17 is now available from the Byteman downloads page and from the Maven Central repository. It is the latest update release for use on all JDK9+ runtimes up to and including JDK17.

Byteman 4.0.17 is a maintenance release which provides a few small enhancements and fixes a minor bug. More details are provided in the Release Notes.